Democracy & Diversity at Stake at Pacifica Radio – Voting Begins June 7
Democracy, Diversity, Commitment to Peace & Racial Justice Again Under Threat by Proposed New ByLaws by Pacifica Fightback The folks who illegally shut down Pacifica station WBAI in NYC in 2019, and who were behind the “Pacifica Restructuring …
Democracy & Diversity at Stake at Pacifica Radio – Voting Begins June 7 Read more »
PART’s Perspective: All Power to the Imagination!
PARTs Perspective All Power to the Imagination by Michael Novick, Anti-Racist Action-Los Angeles/People Against Racist Terror (ARA-LA/PART) The so-called left in the US continues to be in the grip of defeatism and acceptance of the parameters and limits of …
PART’s Perspective: All Power to the Imagination! Read more »
Save the Life of Mumia Abu-Jamal – Freedom is the Treatment!
SAVE THE LIFE OF MUMIA ABU-JAMAL — CALL NOW! As we were laying out and going to press with this issue of TTT, we learned that Mumia has been scheduled to the hospital for major heart surgery April 19. Take …
Save the Life of Mumia Abu-Jamal – Freedom is the Treatment! Read more »
Take an anti-racist action: Join Pacifica
I got a call the other night from an acquaintance challenging me about an email I had sent out urging people to make sure they were members of their local Pacifica station. He felt that KPFK, our station, had few …
Free Mumia Now!
Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Now!Don’t let the state kill him – release him to get the treatment he needs immediately for COVID-19 and congestive heart failure. “Freedom is the only Treatment.” – Mumia’s physician, Dr. Ricardo Alvarez “Rise up, the power is in the …
Fascism is Built from Above and Below
Those inclined to heave a sigh of relief and let down our guard about the threat of fascism because of Trump’s failed Beer-Hall-Putsch of a coup attempt on January 6, or the “peaceful transition of power” on January 20, …
PART’s Perspective: Facing Reality
PART’s Perspective: Facing Reality – The Past is Not Past, But the Future is Now by Michael Novick, Anti-Racist Action-LA/People Against Racist Terror (ARA-LA/PART) The convergence of the federal elections, the decennial census, and the global pandemic in 2020 …
The United Snakes in Africa
Politicians, Prostiticians, and The Ghana-United States Military Base Agreement: What happens when you let the united snakkkes into your home? by Ọbádélé Kambon and Nana Yaw Mireku Yɛboah, University of Ghana Abstract: In this paper, we reject the argument put …
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
I delayed writing this reflection until after midnight on Thursday Nov. 5, so essentially early Friday, Nov. 6. As I write, the election of a president has still not as yet been accomplished, even though a clear and insurmountable majority …
People Get Ready
PART’s Perspective: People Get Ready: The Best Defense is a Good Offense by Michael Novick, Anti-Racist Action-Los Angeles/People Against Racist Terror (ARA-LA/PART) Trump’s hospitalization with COVID-19 increases the range of eventualities in the upcoming national election, adding death and …
Book Review: The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee
The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee: Native America from 1890 to the Present by David Treuer: New York: Riverhead Books, 2019. 512 pp. reviewed by Roxanne-Dunbar-Ortiz, written for Wicazo Sa Review: A Journal of Native American Studies. Editor, James Riding …
The Basis of “Whiteness”
I was asked to comment by a long-time comrade on this article: I wrote the following in response: Apart from many factual errors about the WUO and May 19th Communist Organization, and some about STO, the deeper problem is that …
We Must Go All the Way This Time
Transforming a culture of solidarity, resistance and liberation into thoroughgoing social, political and economic revolution There is no question that a profound and long-overdue collective self-examination and cultural revolution is now going on in the United States, not uniformly or …
Time for Total Transformation
PART’s Perspective: Time for Total Transformation by Michael Novick, Anti-Racist Action-Los Angeles/People Against Racist Terror (ARA-LA/PART) An undeniable sea change in mass public consciousness and practice has been taking place in the US in the past couple of months. …
Against Repression and Reformism
The Power of the People is the Force of Life by Michael Novick, Anti-Racist Action-LA/People Against Racist Terror (ARA-LA/PART) I was sent the following link to a piece worth reading, if you have the time and a collegiate dictionary, by public …
Stop the Olympics Police State (1984 L.A.)
OLYMPICS 1984: COUNTER-INSURGENCY GOES FOR THE GOLD Prefatory note from 1996: This article, based on research and drafts by Michael Novick, is reprinted from the Spring 1984 issue of BREAKTHROUGH, the political journal of Prairie Fire Organizing Committee, an anti-imperialist …